Magic of English Language Teaching

Teaching is where the magic happens


Check our Youtube Channel and Content page where you can explore our previous trainings and best practices shared of our lecturers

The Project

Spreading the Magic of English Language Teaching is a KA210 Erasmus+ project, which aims to promote a comprehensive approach to English language learning and teaching. This goal will be fulfilled by launching and operating the English Language Teacher Mentor Network (ELTMN) which is an international platform and tool for English language teachers.

What is eLTMN?

The English Language Teaching Mentor Network (ELTMN) is an international and engaging community of professionals, creating a bridge between Finnish and Hungarian teachers. The network is a welcoming and creative platform, where teachers can share best practices of English language teaching and attend monthly professional development online sessions, where both Finnish and Hungarian English language teaching (ELT) experts lead fruitful discussions.

If you have any questions