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Good Practices Handbook

This handbook is a complete collection of new professional methods, good practices, ideas for making changes in the real world, and skills that were learned during the project. This Handbook was made by the English Language Teachers’ Mentor Network members collaboratively. 

Here you can find learning materials, including recordings of previous workshop events and other online presentations. 

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  • Share insights of the ELT practices, specifically tailored to the needs of English language educators in the partner countries
  • Co-create a one-of-a-kind learning platform for English language teachers in Hungary and in Finland: the ELTMN
  • Remain inclusive and have a great impact the training days, school visits and workshops of the project will be streamed online or shared with the Hungarian and Finnish audience after

Join us!

The ELTMN is a welcoming and creative platform, where teachers can share best practices of English language teaching and attend monthly professional development online sessions, where both Finnish and Hungarian English language teaching (ELT) experts lead fruitful discussions. The network also provides an opportunity to innovate, build professional relationships and create long-lasting and publicly available English language teaching ELT materials. 

If you are and English Language Teacher from Hungary or Finland, by signing up to our newsletter, you will be automatically added to the ELTMN community.